Tektronix DPO7OE2 High Bandwidth Optical Probe

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  • Wavelength Response - 1200m - 1650nm
  • High-bandwidth DC - up to 59 GHz
  • Optical Noise - 10 uW rms (ATI)
  • NRZ / PAM2 and PAM4 - up to 56 Gbaud

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The DPO7OE series optical probes with a DPO70000 real-time scope deliver the performance and advanced debug capabilities designers need to fully troubleshoot 400G PAM4 signals, up to 56 GBaud, and reduce time to market.

These probes can also be used as a conventional O/E with flat response filter for general laser signal acquisition up to their respective bandwidth of 33 GHz or 59 GHz.



For more information: Tektronix