Keithley 4200A I-V Parameter Analyzer

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The 4200A-SCS is a modular, customizable, and fully-integrated parameter analyzer that provides synchronized insight into current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V), and ultra-fast pulsed I-V electrical characterization. Its optional 4200A-CVIV Multi-switch Module enables effortless switching between I-V and C-V measurements without re-cabling or lifting prober needles. The highest performance analyzer, the 4200A-SCS accelerates testing of complex devices for materials research, semiconductor device design, process development, or production.

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Tektronix 4200A I-V Parameter Analyzer

The 4200A Parameter Analyzer is completely customizable and fully upgradable, so you can add the instruments you need now – or later. With the 4200A Parameter Analyzer, making connections to your bold discoveries has never been easier.




Completely integrated mainframe with source measure units, C-V unit, and ultra-fast pulsed I-V unitPerform I-V characterization, AC impedance measurements, waveform capture, and transient I-V measurements with speed, clarity, and confidence
Clarius™ GUI-based Software with touch-and-swipe or point-and-click controlEnables advanced test definition, parameter analysis, graphing, and automation capabilities for clear, uncompromised measurement and analysis
Built-in, context-sensitive measurement videos and over 450 application testsJumpstart testing and provide measurement assistance and troubleshooting guidance
I-V source measurement unit (SMU)±210 V / 100 mA or ±210 V / 1 A modules, 100 fA measure resolution, and 0.1 fA measure resolution with optional preamp
C-V multi-frequency capacitance unit (CVU)AC impedance measurements (C-V, C-f, C-t), 1 kHz – 10 MHz frequency range
I-V/C-V multi-switch module (CVIV)Easily switch between I-V and C-V measurements or move the C-V measurement to any terminal without re-cabling or lifting prober needles
Pulsed I-V ultra-fast pulse measure unit (PMU)Two independent or synchronized channels of high-speed pulsed I-V source and measure; 200 MSa/sec, 5 ns sampling rate; extend current sensitivity to tens of picoamps with optional preamp
High voltage pulse generator unit (PGU)Two channels of high-speed pulsed V source; ±40 V (80 V p-p), ±800 mA
Completely customizable and fully upgradableAdd only the instruments needed now – or later