Tektronix RSA7100A Real Time Analyzer

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  • Frequency Range: 19 kHz - 14/26.5 GHz
  • Real-Time Bandwidth: 320/800 MHz
  • Minimum Event Duration for 100% POI: 418 ns
  • SFDR (typical): 65 dBc

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Tektronix RSA7100A Real Time Analyzer

The Tektronix RSA7100A wideband signal analyzer offers real time spectrum analysis up to 800 MHz bandwidth, simultaneous streaming to multiple interfaces for record (up to 2 hours) and playback of seamless data at full bandwidth.

The RSA7100A gives you the power to imagine new solutions

The RSA7100A is a high performance spectrum analyzer focused on wideband analysis and signal recording. By separating the RF acquisitions from the compute engine, a graphics processor can be used in place of previously required FPGA designs for real time processing. As processor capabilities advance, new performance can be easily maintained for the system with PC upgrades instead of RF hardware replacement, making the RSA7100A a smart choice for minimizing long term costs. You can also harness the power of this CPU/GPU combination in your own simulations and designs, using the instrument as a powerful workstation.

The RSA7100A is designed for engineers working on the latest wideband designs in communications, radar and electronic warfare and for spectrum managers who need to see the effects of new wideband systems when fielded and operational.

Analysis of signals is enabled with two software packages. SignalVu-PC for real time, spectrum and vector signal analysis, and DataVu-PC for analysis of the very large file sets produced when recording wideband signals.

SignalVu-PC software offers rich analysis capability

The RSA7100 operates with SignalVu-PC, a powerful program used as the basis of Tek's traditional spectrum analyzers. SignalVu-PC offers a deep analysis capability including real time spectrum analysis and a wide variety of application packages. Real-time processing of the DPX® spectrum/spectrogram is enabled in your PC, further reducing the cost of hardware. A programmatic interface to SignalVu-PC is provided, offering all measurements and settings to external programs. Basic functionality of the free SignalVu-PC program is far from basic and includes the measurements shown below.
Measurements and functions included in SignalVu-PC base version
General signal analysis Description
Spectrum analyzer Spans from 100 Hz to full range of the instrument, 3 traces + math and spectrogram trace, 5 markers with power, relative power, integrated power, power density and dBc/Hz functions
DPX spectrum/spectrogram Real time display of spectrum with 100% probability of intercept of up to 419 nsec signals in up to 800 MHz span
Amplitude, frequency, phase vs. time, RF I and Q vs. time Basic vector analysis functions
Time Overview/Navigator Enables easy setting of acquisition and analysis times for deep analysis in multiple domains
Spectrogram Analyze and re-analyze your signal in 2-D or 3-D waterfall display
Analog modulation analysis Description
AM, FM, PM analysis Measures key AM, FM, PM parameters
RF measurements Description
Spurious measurement User-defined limit lines and regions provide automatic spectrum violation testing across the entire range of the instrument.
Spectrum emission mask User-set or standards-specific masks.
Occupied bandwidth Measures 99% power, -xdB down points.
Channel power and ACLR Variable channel and adjacent/alternate channel parameters.
MCPR Sophisticated, flexible multi-channel power measurements.
CCDF Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function plots the statistical variations in signal level.
Signal strength Measures signal strength and displays a spectrum and signal strength bar for interference hunting and signal quality evaluations.

The illustration below demonstrates the power of wide-band continuous monitoring for determining spectrum occupancy and interference over time. The spectrogram and real-time spectrum displays off-air spectral activity over time from 640 MHz to 960 MHz, showing TV, narrow-band communications, cellular base stations and the unregulated 900 MHz ISM band, all time-correlated. The resolution bandwidth of the analysis is 25 kHz to assure a low noise floor, and the minimum signal duration for 100% probability of intercept is a remarkable 98 microseconds.

The RSA7100A combined with SignalVu-PC application licenses offers advanced analysis, 800 MHz bandwidth, streaming to internal RAID, and simultaneous streaming to multiple interfaces for record and playback

SignalVu-PC offers a wealth of application-oriented options, including:
  • Pulse analysis including exclusive Pulse-Ogram™ displays
  • General-purpose modulation analysis (27 modulation types including 16/32/64/128/256 QAM, QPSK, O-QPSK, GMSK, FSK, APSK)
  • EMC/EMI analysis with CISPR peak, quasi-peak, and average detectors
  • Streaming data to internal RAID
  • IQFlowTM provides simultaneous, continuous streaming of IQ data from the device to one or more clients through API and 40 GbE
  • WLAN analysis of 802.11a/b/g/j/p, 802.11n, 802.11ac
  • P25 analysis of phase I and phase 2 signals
  • LTE™ FDD and TDD Base Station (eNB) Cell ID & RF measurements
  • Bluetooth® analysis of Basic Rate, Low Energy, and Bluetooth 5. Some support of Enhanced Data Rate
  • Mapping
  • AM/FM/PM/Direct Audio Measurement including SINAD, THD
  • Signal Classification and Survey
  • Automated phase noise / jitter measurements

See the separate SignalVu-PC data sheet for complete details and ordering information. Selected applications are illustrated below.

Pulse analysis

The Pulse Analysis package (SVPH) provides 29 individual measurements plus cumulative statistics, opening a world of characterization for wideband pulsed system designers and evaluators. The fast-frame acquisition mode of SignalVu-PC with the RSA7100A allows you to acquire just the time of interest during your pulse, making the most efficient use of memory. Cumulative statistics displays analyze data over multiple acquisitions, further extending the analysis to millions of pulses. Displays and measurements include:

Displays Available measurements
Cumulative histograms of any measurement Cumulative measurements table with statistics (min, max, mean, standard deviation) Cumulative histograms of any measurement Pulse-Ogram waterfall display of amplitude vs. time of multiple pulses Spectrum of any pulse from the Pulse-Ogram Measurement display of any selected pulse vs. time Trend of selected measurement vs. pulse number FFT of selected measurement vs. pulse number Pulse frequency Power (Average on, Peak, Average transmitted) Pulse width Rise time Fall time Repetition interval (seconds and Hz) Duty factor (% and ratio) Ripple (dB and %) Droop (dB and %) Overshoot (dB and %) Pulse-to-Pulse and Pulse-to-Reference frequency difference Pulse-to-Pulse and Pulse-to-Reference phase difference Frequency error (RMS and Maximum) Phase error (RMS and Maximum) Deviation (Frequency and Phase) Impulse response (dB and time) Time stamp

For more information: Tektronix