Wentworth PVX 400 Micropositioner

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  • Smooth precision positioning
  • Versatile – for a wide variety of applications
  • Micrometer driven
  • Small footprint allows for the placement of many units on a single platform
  • Easy and quick repositioning with magnetic or vacuum hold down

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Wentworth PVX 400 Micropositioner



PVX 400 micropositioner features drives and re-circulating linear slides, which provide precise linear motion in all three axes with a resolution of 1.2 μm/°. This allows for easy positioning onto the finest geometries. 

Featuring a choice of either magnetic or vacuum hold down, the PVX 400 manipulator provides a rigid probing platform with a quick release facility for fast, easy repositioning of the manipulator unit. 


PVX 400 manual linear motion manipulators are designed for use with Wentworth Pegasus™ series and Aspect probers. They deliver a highly versatile solution for applications such as direct current (DC), radio frequency (RF) and low level testing. 

The PVX 400’s small footprint makes it ideal for applications requiring a large number of manipulators or where platen area is at a premium. 

A wide range of front ends assemblies and needle holders are available for the PVX 400 manipulators, allowing easy integration with most standard systems.